itemprop = "text">
This code works fine since I updated the API1 and set the plugin to enable plugins (true) type webseat Has now been deprecated. / P>
Set the method that I had to face PluginState.ON will be a solution but it has also been deprecated.
What could I do? I found these posts, that there are problems similar to some people, but did not help me in those answers: / Although the compiler gives me a warning, it successfully compiled (This is the reason why it is being disliked, but it Not just yet. Set with the plugin plugin enabled, am I right?)
What should I really do, it displays a graphic chart that sells data by loading DB
Private Zero Update ChartDataSet () {enumeration & lt; Integer & gt; Enumerator = this.values.keys (); While (Calculator HS Other Elements ()) {Integer key = Enumerator. NXtaille (); Double value = this.values.get (key); This.diasJsonArray.put (dateUtils.convertGraficoVentasMensualDateToString (dateValues.get (key)); This.montosJsonArray.put (value); }} Private Zero SetWeb Videedia () {this.webView.getSettings () SetJavaScriptEnabled (true); . This.webView.getSettings () setBuiltInZoomControls (true); This.webView.getSettings () setPluginsEnabled (true). This.webView.addJavascriptInterface (New GraficoWebAppInterface (diasJsonArray, montosJsonArray, "Ventas Mensual", "Venta del día"), "Dataloader"); This.webView.loadUrl ("File: ///android_asset/charts/VentasClientes/chart.html"); This.webView.setWebViewClient (New WebViewClient () {@Override Public Boolean Shoulder Override URL Loading (WebView View, String URL) {return false;}};
android_asset / charts / ventasClientes / chart.html:
& lt; Script src = "jQuery-1.9.1.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "highcharts.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div id = "container" style = "minimum-width: 400px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {$ ('# container'). High Chart ({chart: {type: 'bar'}, title: {text: dataLoader.getTittle ()}, XXIS: {categories: eval (dataLoader.getCategories ( }, Title: {text: null}}, yAxis: {min: 0, title: {text: 'monto ($)', align: 'high'}, label: {overflow: 'justify'}}, tooltip: {ValueSuffix: '$'}, plot options: {time: {dataLabels: {enable: true}}}, legend: {layout: 'vertical', align: 'right' vertical alliance: 'top', X: 100, Y: 100, Floating: True, Threshold Width: 1, Background Color: '#FFFFFF', Shadow: True}, Credit: {Enabled: Episode: [{Name: dataLoader .getSerie (), Data: eval (dataLoader.getData ())}]})}}); & lt; / script>
< / Div>
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