I have the following test spray testkit with scalatest and I do not understand why it passes every time regardless of the actual test conditions.
import akka.actor._ import akka.event.LoggingReceive import akka.testkit.TestProbe import com.ss.rg.service.ad.AdImporterServiceActor. {GetImportStatus, StatusOfImport} import org.scalatest. {MustMatchers, WordSpecLike} import spray.http._ import spray.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest sq WordSpecLike with MustMatchers with AdServiceApiTest ScalatestRouteTest { "AdService REST API" { "should be post processed for imports with mandatory standards should" {val P = in TestProbe () Val addressServiceMock = system.actorOf (props (classOf [AdServiceActorMock], p.ref)) post ( "/ service / ad / import? AdId = 1") ~ & gt; New AdServiceApi (Address Service Mark) Root ~> Investigation should be handled (correct) // Disclaimer size must be 1 response.status === StatusCodes.NotAcceptable}}}
Test passes even if that condition should be different and when I made failed to justify testing rejection ... error message is as follows:
request was rejected, the response was HttpResponse (202 accepted, HttpEntity ( Text / plain; charset = UTF-8, has been accepted for the request process, but the process Riya is not fulfilled), list (), http / 1.1) org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException:. HttpResponse request was rejected, the response has been had (202 accepted approved, HttpEntity (text / request for plain; charset = UTF-8, processing, but the processing has not been completed.), List (); HTTP / 1.1) spray testkit.ScalatestInterface $ class.failTest (ScalatestInterface.scala: 25)
It seems that I am missing some important concept.
Can anyone explain?
Update: Working correctly
the status should be equal (StatusCodes.Accepted)
is not enough you have to write
status === (Status dot non-attachable)
emphasize (status === conditioncode.no. can not be counted)
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