I am trying to follow a link to style and BEM principles but I get an error from the saas compiler. Click the icon & lt; / A & gt; Has a link with html
And here's the stuff:
.sg-link {color: # 111; Text-decoration: None; & Amp; -Con {& amp;:: {margin-right: 10px; }} & Amp ;: Hover {Color: $ maggie; }}
Now when the mother-in-law looks, I find this error in the terminal:
error source / scss / atoms / _02-links.scss ( Line 7: After "& amp;" invalid CSS: "{" was expected, "-con" {"" -con "can only be used at the beginning of a mixed selector.)
I have used this technique before and have always worked, so I thought maybe this is something to do with the sauce version. I am using Sass 3.2.13 (Media Icon)
. So I checked on the sass website and the latest version should be Sass 3.4.13 (selective Steve)
, but when I try to update with gem update sass
It does not say anything to update Try with pseudo but there is no luck
Edit: I have just checked the same code on Sassmeister and it Well done
thanks in advance
Using the right about, you can see that your snippet compiled at Sass v3.4.x, but not at 3.2.x (you can configure the Sass version in the control panel, under the coop icon menu ).
As you are having trouble updating Sass in your environment, perhaps it is beyond the scope of this question, but it may be that the version of your system of Ruby / GEM is outdated. You can consider a Ruby Edition management tool or for better control which versions of gems are installed. I suspect that to install rbenv
(for example), use it to install the latest version of Ruby, and then from gem
to Sass Installing will solve your problem.
(Disclaimer: I am not feeling well with Ruby, but I have found a setup to work well for me as described above.)
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