Tuesday, 15 April 2014

SAPUI5 routing throws error "Control (ID of an App control) does not has an aggregation called pages" -

I have these routes in my component.js:

  Route: [Pattern: "Reports", Name: "Split Container": "" "," Name ":" Menu ", see:" Manual ": Target Page:" Page ", Target Control:" idAppControl ", Sub -Root: [{Pattern: "report", name: "report" (URL / # / report) throws applications (chrome) when I try to use sub-route (URL / # / report):  

Control the idAppControl Pages have no aggregation -

It is confused due to the fact that "idAppControl" is an app and there is a group page for it. In addition, the first "main" route is very good Works, even if I am using the same control (and aggregation) as above.

What can be wrong?

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

I found out what's wrong. This is a little "scope" problem. You can not join the same control. You can create the following error message with the same problem:

The control with id idAppControl was not found

The goal is: "Page", Target Control: "idAppControl"}, ["Pattern:", "Name": "Menu", see: "Menu", GoalAggrisition: "Page" {Pattern: "Report", Name: "Report", see: "Split Continent", GoalAugrasion: "Page", Target Control: "idAppControl", Clear Goal: Correct}]

Behind the things it seems logical: D

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