Tuesday, 15 July 2014

cluster computing - ElasticSearch UNASSIGNED indices fix without data loss -

For any reason that a group of indices became oblivious, I sent them without the cluster node I'm trying to use one of the following API calls, but the result is data loss, unfortunately (due to allow_primary):

  curl -XPOST 'localhost: 9200 / _cluster / repeat' 'beautiful' -d '{"command": [{"allocated": {"index": "sequence I have the following entries in "node-name", "shard": "0", "permission_primy": true, "node": "node-name" Elasticsearch.log:  
  [2015-03-16 11: 51: 12,181] [DEBUG] [action.search.type] [Cluster node] failed for all shard steps: [query_fetch] [2015-03-16 11: 51: 12,450] [DEBUG ] [Action.search.type] [cluster node] failed for all shard steps: [query_fetch] [2015-03-16 11: 51: 19,34 9] [DEBUG] [action.bulk] [cluster node] Supervisor: Timed out time setting from the cluster service [1 m], starting from [1 m] [2015-03-16 11: 51: 20,057] [DEBUG] [action.bulk] Stir node] Supervisor: Timeout reported timeout setting cluster service [1m], starting from the time [1m]  

would appreciate any help.

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