Tuesday, 15 July 2014

sql - Violation of PRIMARY KEY. Cannot insert dublicate keys in many-with-many relationship -

I am trying to insert the table into several relationships with many:

  announcement @ TransactionTempTable Table (ID int IDENTITY (1,1) nULL pRIMARY KEY, Opreshnnam Anwarchar (100), Chaluekountaidi Int, Rashiman decimal, execution date date time, rates include value wealth) in @TransactionTempTable (Opreshnnam, Wartmanakountaidi, Rashimoni execution Date, quadrature) Select [Operation Name] as OperatioName, A.AccountID CurrentAcc ountID, dbo.Amount as ([AmountMin], [AmountMax]) AmountMoney as, Dates.item ExecutionDate as, 0 RateValue as ExcelDatabase.dbo.Transactions T Cross apply dbo.GenerateDate from (GETDATE ( ) [rate], [period]) as dated interiors Gurskiy_EconomicApp.DBO.Accounts Join one T.Account = A.AccountName announced @minID int = (sELECT MIN (ID) from @TransactionTempTable) announced @maxID integer = (Announced from Max (ID @TransactionTempTable) announcing @lastID integer declaration @SplitCategories table (category name is not nostril (100)) WHILE (@ minID & lt; = @ MaxID) joined Google in Gurskiy_EconomicApp.dbo.Transactions (currently Sisiaidi, `` the amount Muni, execution date, rate value) Select `current Khatakhol, Rashimoni, execution date, rate value @ TransactionTempTable WHERE ID = @minID SET @lastID = select the @SplitCategories in SCOPE_IDENTITY () iNSERT the Gurskiy_EconomicApp.dbo.fnSplit ((sELECT OperationName fROM @TransactionTempTable WHERE ID = @minID), ',') iNSERT Gurskiy_EconomicApp.dbo.TransactionCategory (transactionId, CategoryID) Do @lastID, @SplitCategories as SC Indoor as C.C.CategoryName = C.CategoryName T @minID = @ minID +1 End Gurskiy_EconomicApp.dbo.Categories Join C.CategoryID  

This is my code. I insert the range ID and transaction ID in the transaction category in the table Can not, but the table "Transactions" is filling the right and table categories are also filled. I have just one simple mistake about the display, but in my code I am not getting any fault. Please help plz, this action takes place in my mind at the end of the day. TransactionCategory Table Definition:

  Table TransactionCategory (CategoryID does not make an integer zero, transactionId zero not int, constraint transaction_category_pk primary key (CategoryID, transactionId), barrier FK_Category foreign key (CategoryID) reference section (CategoryID), barrier FK_Transaction foreign key (transactionId) reference transactions (transactionId))  

you try to insert @lastID, C.CategoryID in transactions Category . Is generated from the @lastID identity, so I think it is different in every move, am I right? However, @lastID is stable within a single trip, therefore C.CategoryID should be unique C.CategoryID Categories Comes from the table and I also believe that this is P. If there is a duplicate category identifier in this table. Can you confirm this?

This means that due to being with the Categories to join the duplicate @SplitCategories . In other words, I think there are duplicates in @SplitCategories . To confirm this, you can add the following line before entering and we will see:

 < Code> select * @SplitCategories from  

I think the problem may be in the fnSplit function. Maybe it's wrongly dividing the operation name you OperationName column? fnSplit from

and the source code of the example data could be shown

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