I have a search bar in the navigation title view and two buttons in the form of a bar button item. After rotating the device several times, the size of the search icon becomes crushed and the shape becomes like an egg. See the following picture
Here's a The minimum implementation is that I can get it to reproduce:
Create a new project from the template Single View Application
go to the main storyboard and embedded in a navigation controller (editor> embed> navigation controller)
ViewController.m :
@ View Interface Viewer () @ Property (Non-Atomic, Strong) UISearchBar * searchBar; @protecti (nanatomic, strong) UIBarButtonItem * addButton; @property (non-standard, strong) UIBarButtonItem * editButton; @end @implementation ViewController - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; // Add a search bar _ searchbar = [[UISAxchangebar] init]; _searchBar.placeholder = @ "Search"; Self.navigationItem.titleView = _searchBar; // Two button Add _addButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd goal: self action: nil]; _editButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: @ "edit" style: UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target: zero operation: zero]; Self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItems = @ [_ editButton, _addButton]; } @end
- compile and run it in iPhone 6+ simulator or iPhone 6+ device. Rotate the device several times and you will gradually get corrupted by search icons.
Additional notes:
- This is only done on iPhone 6 Plus We have tested on many other devices (iPhone 6, with iPhone 5 only) And this is not a problem.
- If we change the placeholder with
with any other string (other than "search"), then we see the distortion Does not. Text after "<">
We actually have the same issue with a distorted UISearchBar icon - only iPhone 6 going on / 7 Plus
for now we have only method to reset the frame of a crazy workaround and icon layoutSubviews of UISearchBar with Swizzling
welcome any better solution Is: - ..)
Import UIKit Personal var Default Imageviews: CGSize? = Blue Personal Let's Burn: (UISearchBar.Type) - & gt; () = {Original selector in search bar = # selector (searchBar.layoutSubviews) Let's swizzledSelector = #selector (searchBar.proj_layoutSubviews) Basic method = class_getInstanceMethod Give (search byer, original selector) Let's swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod (searchBar, swizzledSelector) method_exchangeEmplementations Law, swizzledMethod)} detail UISearchBar {Open override class func initialize () {// Make sure it is not a sub-class guard === UISearchBar.self else {return} swizzling (self)} // Mark: - method Burning Function, proj_layoutSubviews (Animated: Boole) {self.proj_layoutSubviews (Animated: Animated) Go if imageView = self.g etSearchBarIcon (keeping in mind: self) {if the defaultImageViewSize = defaultImageViewSize {imageView.frame.size = defaultImageViewSize} else {defaultImageViewSize = imageView.frame.size}}} private func getSearchBarIcon (Inwu Views: UIView) - & gt; UIImageView? {For subview in View.subviews {if subview.isMember (K: UIImageView.self), please give imageView = subview as? UIImageView {return imageView} and see if the image vview = getSearchBarIcon (inView: subview) {return imageView}} return blue}}
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