Now I am trying to get stuck I send complex data to WCF service after 2 days. This service request is: From the list & lt;
Expand class saveLoadParts asyncTask & lt string>, string, string & gt; {@Override protected string doInBackground (list of & lt; string & gt; ... parameter) {from the list & lt; String & gt; Checklist = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); Checklist = Old List; SOAP object request = new SOAP object (NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME4); Soap-object soapbox = new sapong bag (NAMESPACE, "checklist"); (String i: checklist) {soapLogs.addProperty ("Itemlist", I); } Request.addSoapObject (SOONLogs); SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new saponification anaphf (sopenalaphase envelope.setOutputSoapObject (request); envelope.dotNet = true; httpTransportSE transport = new HTTP transcesee (url); { (GETUSER_SOAP_ACTION + METHOD_NAME4, envelope); try soap reaction feedback = (Sopprimitiv) Lifafakgetrespons (); FinalResult = response.toString ();} catch (Sopfolt e) {e.printStackTrace ();} catch (Acteepiarpispointaksepshn e) {e.printStackTrace ();} catch (IOException e) { E.printStackTrace ();} hold (XmlPullParserException E) {e.printStackTrace ();} eventual return result;} @Override protected void onPostExecute (string result) {if "(lists stored", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show () (result.equals ( "{Toast.makeText OrderDetailView .this,))!) ";}}}
and this is my code
public class item list public ABC string End class Return SaveLoadParts (ByVal Suchisuchi as list ()) as string Implements IService1.SaveLoadParts dim as string = checklist (0) KabckToString () functions as a termination problem I have tried almost everything I could possibly find on the internet, it always give me an error. Now I'm getting this Soffolt - Doshkod: a: Desriyalaijeshnfold 'Foltstring' Formetr the message threw an exception while trying to deserialize: parameter was an error while trying to deserialize. InnerException message 'error 1 was in line 361. Element 'http ...' contains a type of data that maps to the name 'http ...'. Deserializer has no knowledge of any kind that is a map for this name. Using a DataContractResolver is the type of idea or type known in the list to add corresponding to the 'checklist'. For example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of types known for the DataContractSerializer. Please see InnerException for more information. 'Mistake:' Zero 'Description: Zero Please help!
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