Saturday, 15 August 2015

recurring events - DDay iCal RecurrenceId -

I'm actually using the telerecise cando scheduler instead of an iCal file, but I have an event list in a way There is a need to demonstrate the addition of the schedulers agenda list and the mapping between schedule object and a right-handed object are the same, so I thought I would use DDA.

Creating an iCalendar object and loading it in the schedule table. Code is working with me. I can create the Events list and filter deleted events from the series. Where I am having a problem, where an incident in the series was modified.

The way the data is stored in DB when a modified event is created in a series, then it creates a new record and the recurring ID field will be the original record With the Event ID

Against the ID field, it just seems easy enough, is not it? Problem in DDA iCal Recurring ID is an IDateTime and not int I'm not sure how to process it because we have a lot of incidents, which are the start / end at the same time so that the original start / Grabbing the end does not seem feasible unless I am misunderstood what is happening in reality.

I have figured out a complicated way of handling a modified incident if it is the only revised event for a master event in the event. But this method is not an account for an event series, which may include master events and many modified events of the master.

I think there will be 2 lists from a possible solution scheduler table, only recurring events and other master events are revised.

Then as I am taking action on the events, I check against each incident whether it is in the revised event list or not. If so, update the incident accordingly. It seems like a very cool solution even if it will address all revised scenarios, I think I'm missing something in the library which will handle it.

Any help can be always made on this issue which will be appreciated.

Thank you, Chris

It looks like my test set data got spoiled It appears that this works, the recurrence exception will occur in the master event, so when you call to receive an event, the exception is in that range when the master record will be omitted / filtered. Revised event will be created for the series. Additionally, if the event was removed in the event category then the event will not appear in the event category.

There were some errors in my test data set which would make it an additional filter step.

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