Sunday, 15 January 2012

angularjs - controller methods matching ui-router states -

angularjs - controller methods matching ui-router states -

in stateprovider, trying next more restful approach given controllers in angularjs can contain sorts of functions, want encapsulate different routes appropriate part of controller (or if have improve way, please advise)

my current state:

.state('',{ permissions: '<logged_in>', url: '/new', views: { '@main': { templateurl: 'app/main/align/movements/new.html', // controller: function($scope){ // $scope.newmovement = new movement() // $ = function(){ // $ // } // $scope.cancel = function(){ // } // } controller: 'movementsctrl.hello' } } });

as can see, commented out of code going write controller pretty big quickly. yet, depend on movementsctrl /index it's big plenty is. wondering if there way have within movementsctrl way encapsulate related /new , /edit, etc. without having huge ctrl of code (for example, @ /new want initiate instance of movement right away don't want initiation persist @ /edit , don't want ugly , $stateparams check path given doing $stateprovider anyways )


angularjs angular-ui-router

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