Sunday, 15 January 2012

php - How can I 'push' data from one table to another in MS Access? -

This is the second attempt to figure out a figure. I saw other answers and tested the answer with my previous post.

found here:

There is a hold on this that does not work for me. The main reason is that the orders are very customized and are not predefined.

I sell shirts and they can make pictures and monograms (among other things), which sell a specific shirt that can be stored and databases can be selected.

The more I can down to two possibly three, the more general my tables make an account. TBL (account number, shipping information and payment method, etc.) and an order TBL (shirt color, picture attachment, monogram etc.) A possible third table (Account ID and Order ID).

I asked one of my Sehgal and what I think could be something to handle PHP. I do not know the first thing about PHP or actually there is either access. I just make shirts :)

I'm assuming I'll need a button when I press: 1.) Saves data 2.) Account From ID to account Account by Account Account on ID ID. TBL 3.) Change from Order.frm to Account.frm

I have # 1 and # 3 but I have not got any way to do # 2 from alone.

I have tried to build relationships with the primary key and the foreign key but do not keep track of who is giving orders to my table just fill with unrelated data: /

Is there a solution in access? PHP will solve this? Is there a simple PHP code for this? If not, where should I look in PHP language?

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.

If you do not have any prior knowledge of PHP then about this project for it Do not waste time learning in

If you are building a database application to run on your own computer and you already have access 2013 then this is all you need.

If you intend to create a web application that your customers can access on the Internet, then you know a little about PHP based on the tools or frameworks used to build your site. By knowing possibly can get the benefit. However, in that case you should use the Access database as a data repository for not a web application.

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