It seems that the foundation does not seem to "play well" with the rail engine. I am preparing a style layout engine so that I can plug and play this engine in various backend apps.
I tried to walk in the beginning:
$ rg foundation: install
who returned:
"Generator foundation could not be found: install"
I double checked my bundle, because I added zurb-foundation to my gemspec file. It was in my bundle, so I thought it was a compatibility problem with me, instead of using a regular railroad train engine using the rail engine, which I found this article:
I followed the directions of @Ivens Tried to give me these errors in my Chrome console:
foundation.js? Body = 1: 26 Uncut Typair Foundation. Lars. Js? Body = 1: 58 Uncouted Referrence Arrow: Foundation Foundation has not been defined .clearing.js? Body = 1: 517 Unfair reference reference: foundation foundation.cookie.js? Body = 1: 75 Unwanted Reference Reference: Foundation foundation.dropdown.js? Body = 1: 184 Unfair Reference Reference: Foundation is not Defined Defined is not found in foundation.forms.js? Body = 1: 556 Uncaught ReferenceError: Foundation has not been defined by the foundation. Joyride.js? Body = 1: 853 Uncaught ReferenceError: Foundation Foundation is not defined. Magellan.js? Body = 1: 137 Unfair Reference Context: Foundation has not been defined as foundation. Orbit.js? Body = 1: 432 Unfair Reference Reference: Foundation has not been defined as foundation. Body = 1: 354 Uncaught ReferenceError: Foundation Foundation has not been defined. Section.js? Body = 1: 431 Unfair reference references: Foundation has not been defined by the foundation. Tolitis.js? Body = 1: 210 Unfair Reference Context: Foundation has not been defined as foundation. Popbar.js? Body = 1: 371 Unfair reference references: Foundation to foundation.interchange.js? Body = 1: 281 Unfamiliar reference references are not defined: Foundation has not been set up for the foundation. Body.js = body = 1: 195 Uncaught ReferenceError: Foundation is not defined application.js? Body = 1: 15 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ Not Defined
Then I tried the regular ol 'manual installation guide about the documentation of the Foundation: who gave me the errors listed above. Has anyone participated in these problems, and can point me in the direction of the right documentation, or explained to me how you have successfully installed in the rail engine? As a last note, the foundation is working just fine in my dummy app. In my dummy app, I was able to run founder foundation successfully to run successfully, it's just in my actual engine where I can not get it to play well. My actual engine needs manual installation instead of Rail Generator.
I added the Mani 'Foundation-Rail' and now I have a root-foundation gem and in my engine the foundation-rail gem Includes. This was getting rid of the 'Uncut Reference Error' errors I was getting. But now the context of jQuery is not working. My Google console error "jQuery is not defined." From this I believe that manual installation is still not going well. I am referring to the foundation in my application.js such as:
// = foundations require $ (document). Foundation ();
With a foundation not able to install correctly in the railway, a known The problem is the increasing engine I am currently submitting a bridge request and will update this answer once about the solution.
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