mvc - Unable to bind drop down list in telerik kendo mvc grid -
i'm having difficulty binding dropdown list in telerik mvc kendo grid.
i have collection of records bound grid , each record has foregin key property. rendering text box in place dropdown should be.
i have searched throrugh telerik documentation , demo code have working dropdown shows them using clienttemplate
on field , doesn't show code template.
in controller action populate viewdata collection follows:
ienumerable<detailslotdto> slots = mapper.todto(detailslotrepository.getall()); viewdata["slots"] = slots;
and detailslotdto class follows:
public class detailslotdto { public int id { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } }
i trying setup grid in view follows:
@(html.kendo().grid<sft.web.dtos.syndicatedrecorddto>() .name("slotgrid") .columns(c => { c.bound(f => f.detailslot).clienttemplate(html.kendo().dropdownlist() .bindto(viewdata["slots"] ienumerable<sft.web.dtos.detailslotdto>) .name("slotdesc_#=id#") .datatextfield("description") .datavaluefield("id") .toclienttemplate().tohtmlstring() ); c.bound(f => f.client); c.bound(f => f.product); c.bound(f => f.start); c.bound(f => f.end); c.bound(f => f.purchaseorder); c.bound(f => f.value); c.bound(f => f.kpipenalty); c.bound(f => f.notes); }) .toolbar(t => { t.create(); }) .editable(e => e.mode(grideditmode.incell)) .datasource(d => d .ajax() .batch(false) .serveroperation(false) .model(m => { =>; m.field(r => r.detailslot); m.field(r => r.client).editable(true); m.field(r => r.product).editable(true); m.field(r => r.start).editable(true); m.field(r => r.end).editable(true); m.field(r => r.purchaseorder).editable(true); m.field(r => r.value).editable(true); m.field(r => r.kpipenalty).editable(true); m.field(r => r.notes).editable(true); }) .read(read => read.action("slotgrid_read", "salesfee", new { id = @model.salesfeeid })) .create(create => create.action("slotgrid_create", "salesfee")) .update(update => update.action("slotgrid_update", "salesfee")) .destroy(destroy => destroy.action("slotgrid_destroy", "salesfee")) ) )
any help on appreciated. spent day yesterday playing around trying work , haven't had much luck.
thank in advance
if want show dropdown in edit mode have utilize "foreignkey" column in kendo grid.
columns.foreignkey(p => p.detailslot, (system.collections.ienumerable)viewdata["slots"], "id", "description");
please check link, in link have posted total code , demo project. telerik telerik-grid
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