Friday, 15 January 2010

javascript - Expose jQuery to real Window object with Webpack -

I do not want to expose the jQuery object to the global window object which is available in the browser within the Developer Console. Now in my webpack config I have the following lines:

  plugins: [new webpack.ProvidePlugin ({$: 'jQuery', jQuery: 'jQuery'})]  

These lines add jQuery definitions to each file in my webpack module. But when I create a project and try to use jQuery in the Developer Console like this:

  window. $; Window.jQuery;  

It says that these properties are undefined ...

Is there any way to fix this?

You need to use it.

  NPM Exposure Loader --save-dev  

You can do this when you need it:

 < Code> Required ("Explain? $! Jquery");  

Or you can do this in your config:

  Loader: [{test: require.resolve ('jquery'), loader: 'expos ? According to WebPack 2, you must use  instead of using  Exposure Loader  :   
  Module: {Rule: [{test: require.resolve ('jquery'), use: [[loader: 'expose-loader', option: '$'}]}]}  

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