Friday, 15 January 2010

openstreetmap - leaflet and xy coordinates -

openstreetmap - leaflet and xy coordinates -

i have list of xy coordinates (shapex, shapey) belonging uk region. need draw marker respect xy coordinates.

is possible accomplish this? if yes how?

//update. have xy coordinates (535055.00,164129.00),(535055.00,164129.00),(535408.00,164064.00) l.marker() method need latlong argument. problem consist of 2 queries.

can convert xy coordinates latlong? if no how can draw marker @ location xy coordinate.

of course of study can. create variable stores coordinates, this:

var coordinates = [[x, y], [x, y], [x, y]]

then loop through coordinates, , create marker each set.

for (i = 0; < coordinate.length; i++) { var marker = l.marker(coordinate[i]).addto(map) }

leaflet openstreetmap mapbox

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