Friday, 15 January 2010

jquery - Fancybox 2 vertical scroll issue -

I use Alt to add additional text to the fancybox v2.1.4 popup, but the problem is that there is no visible Giving a vertical scrollbar to the description text, some text can not be read.


  & lt ;! - Item Project Name - & gt; & Lt; Li class = "item-thumb span3 design" & gt; & Lt ;! - Fancybox - Gallery enabled - Title - Full image - & gt; & Lt; A class = "hover-rap fancybox" data -fancybox-group = "gallery" title = "the city" href = "_ included / img / work / full / image-01-full.jpg" gt; & Lt; Span class = "overlay-img" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "overlay-img-thumb font-icon-plus" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt ;! - Image and description of thumb - & gt; & Lt; Img src = "_ include / img / work / thumbs / image-01.jpg" alt = "If I put too much text here, there is no scrollbar inside a popup & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt;! - Last Item Project ->  

On the odd, fancybox CSS, all looks correct:

. Fancybox-lock Fancybox overlays {Overflow: Auto; overflow-y: scroll;}

What am I missing?

Do not use CSS to install scroll issues, you can" Helpers ".

Follow the code to fix the scroll issue.

  $ (" .fancybox "). Fancybox ({fitToView : False, height: 'auto', auto-size: false, helper: {overlay: {lock: false}}});  

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