Friday, 15 January 2010

sockets - Google App Engine Python: [Errno 10054] XML parse -

I am developing an app engine application that relies on the webpage 2 framework. In my case, I need a lib to parse the XML file and I found that ElementTree lib which is under my Python directory Python27 \ Lib \ xml \ etree \, Python is version 2.7 and I parsed it Use the method. After parsing operation, I'm repeating it. My relative code snippet here:

  import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET tree = ET. Pars ('myLargeSample.xml') root = tree.getroot () for item in root.iter ('item'): # Function of simple counting  

When I use my wrapper class I request this, which is webapp2 RequestHandler, in most cases this was done, but now I have around 11 MB and when I run the code, I get this error: [Errone 10054] Exception Stack At the end of an existing connection forcibly turned off by the remote host .

Not only this, but my python.xa has consumed up to 2 GB of membrane which is unusual when I requested the wrapper class! When I was found I could not find any close affair because the socket error is the original error, I think do you have any suggestions on what the problem would be? I'm really messing up with this error, thanks for your reply.

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