Friday, 15 January 2010

vba - how to add msoeffects to vse objects in microsoft powerpoint? -

vba - how to add msoeffects to vse objects in microsoft powerpoint? -

i have created powerpoint vse textboxes used calculate formulas me, boss them match of other objects not added developer tab, because standard run of mill powerpoint objects can have animations added them in animation tab of powerfulness point vse textboxes cannot add together animations way, , want have them appear @ timed interval. have picked apart , rewritten code many times might alittle choppy, have:

public sub simpleanimation() dim aslide slide dim ashape shape dim animbehavior animationbehavior dim aeffect effect set aslide = activepresentation.slides(3) set ashape = aslide.shapes(textbox2) set aeffect = activepresentation.slides(3).timeline.mainsequence(3) aeffect.effecttype = msoanimeffectappear end sub

i'm guessing you're talking what'd called activex shapes or developer shapes if added them within ppt itself. iow, usual controls you'd see on user form.

these can't animated ... seek adding them manually in ppt itself; you'll see of animation options disabled/grayed out.

you might able false satisfactorily creating 2 slides, duplicates of 1 except sec 1 has text controls; adding slide transitions, can have command seem appear though animated.

vba effects powerpoint-2010

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